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Authenticity is the courage to be yourself
Outright: undisputed, genuine
Authentic: open, direct, not concealed
Do you find yourself trading authenticity for approval? It is not uncommon for people to create a different version of themselves in order to fit a mold that was not designed for their real identity or sense of self.
For better or worse over the years, I have chosen to be the best version of my true self throughout all aspects of life. No version was perfect and I have learned many life and career lessons that I will share with you.
But there is more to life than your career. I will also share tips and information about my other passions: DIY Projects, Home Decor, Investing, Lifestyle and Entertaining, and others.
Today's digital space commands that, you pick a niche and stick with it, but I have decided to be Outright Authentic and lead with my multifaceted self. I hope you will join me!